poroelastic energy storage equation

BME 332: Constitutive Equations: Poroelasticity/Biphasic

BME 332: Introduction to Biosolid Mechanics. Section 7: Constitutive Equations: Biphasic and Poroelasticity. I. Overview. In the last section we introduced viscoelastic constitutive equations to model the time dependent stress-strain behavior of biologic tissues. In the case of viscoelasticity, the underlying physical mechanisms that give rise

Suitability of poroelastic and viscoelastic mechanical models

As the VE material became more incompressible (ν v → 0.5), a downward bias of storage moduli values occurred. The poroelastic simulations with the correct inversion are shown in Figs. Figs.6 6 and and7, 7, and are reasonably accurate for μ p, whereas, the λ p

Poroelastic properties of rocks with a comparison of theoretical

We develop analytical estimates for these isotropic poroelastic rocks and compare the estimates with experimental estimates of these properties for various rocks such as sandstones, limestones


An energy-balance analysis for time-harmonic fields identifies the strain- and kinetic-energy densities and the dissipated-energy densities due to viscoelastic and viscodynamic

New stabilized discretizations for poroelasticity and the Stokes'' equations

For the former, the number of degrees of freedom is the same as for the classical P1–RT0–P0 discretization and for the latter (Stokes'' equations) the number of degrees of freedom is the same as for a P1–P0 discretization. We present numerical tests confirming the theoretical results for the poroelastic and the Stokes'' test problems.

A coupled phase-field and reactive-transport framework for fracture propagation in poroelastic

The equations governing the developed coupled phase-field and reactive-transport framework for fracture propagation in poroelastic media are: Eq. ( 1 ) reactive transport, Eq. ( 14 ) fluid

Suitability of poroelastic and viscoelastic mechanical models

Mechanical testing under controlled drainage conditions indicates that the behavior of brain tissue is well described by a poroviscoelastic model, 22,23 and poroelastic modeling using finite elements has been successful in previous studies of brain deformation. 24–30 Equation shows the time-harmonic form of the poroelastic

Storage Model

The storage S can be an expression involving results from a solid-deformation equation or an expression involving temperatures and concentrations from other analyses. The Darcy''s Law interface implements Equation 4-5 using the Storage Model node, which explicitly includes an option to define S as the linearized storage (SI unit: 1/Pa) using the

(PDF) An introduction to linear poroelasticity

Compatibility equation (4.3.1) associated with equations (53) and th e equation of mass continuity, can be used as a full set of equ ations to solve plane strain poroelastic pr oblems. This

A homogenization approach for characterization of the

Therefore, Biot׳s poroelastic equations have been widely adopted for acoustic problems, e.g. for the design of smart foam [11] and the optimization of multilayered panels [12]. In Biot׳s theory, the governing equations require a set of effective parameters that are dependent on the microstructure in various ways [2], [3].

On poroelastic strain energy degradation in the variational phase

We then propose a new form of degraded poroelastic strain energy derived from micromechanical analyses. Unlike the previously proposed models, our poroelastic strain energy degradation depends not only on the phase-field variable (damage) but also on the

The poroelastic constants of multiple-porosity solids

The uniqueness principle of the poroelastic energy density function is herein used to construct and solve a system of equations between the described sets of poroelastic constants in a multiple-porosity material. (1 α ¯ α ¯ s ¯) (p 0 p) where s ¯ = K ¯ S ¯ = α ¯ / B ¯ is the dimensionless storage coefficient (Wang, 2000). Eq

Poroelasticity Definition

Poroelasticity is the term used to describe the interaction between fluid flow and solids deformation within a porous medium. As their name indicates, porous materials are solid structures comprised of pores or voids. This type of material is typically associated with natural objects, such as rocks and solids, as well as biological tissues

Phase-Field Modeling of Fracture in Poroelastic Solids for Thermal Energy Storage

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(PDF) Phase-Field Modeling of Fracture in Poroelastic

Based on the numerical solution of the second kind of Fredholm integral equation transformed from the dual integral equation, the effects of the two non-homogeneity parameters on DSIF were


Equation 7 turns out to be the free energy balance of the skeleton as just defined (i.e., including the interfaces). In fact, p l dϕ l +pgdϕ g represents the external work supplied by the liquid and the gas through the pressure they exert on the interface with the skeleton and reversibly stored by the latter in the form of free energy dΨ s .

Finite difference modeling of Biot''s poroelastic equations at

1. Introduction [2] Many authors, including Levy, Burridge and Keller, Pride et al., and Pride and Berryman, have used various analytical coarse-graining procedures to demonstrate that Biot''s [1956a, 1956b, 1962] theory is the correct general model governing poroelastic response. Poroelastic response allows for the coupled

The stability of poro-elastic wave equations in saturated

The formulation of the poro-elastic wave equations is an important topic of petroleum engineering and geophysics for a long time (Biot 1941; Burridge and Keller 1981; De la Cruz and Spanos 1985; Pride et al. 1992; Dvorkin and Nur 1993; Chapman et al. 2002; Carcione et al. 2004).Biot (1956, 1962) proposed wave equations in porous

Mechanics of Poro-Elastic Media: A Review with Emphasis on

The pressure of a compressible fluid is a thermodynamic state variable, i.e., it is determined by a constitutive equation (equation of state). In linear (isothermal)

Generalized Thermoelastic Interactions in a Poroelastic Material

The purpose of this investigation is providing a method to study the effect of porosity in a porothermoelastic medium by the finite element technique. The formulations are applied under Green-Naghdi model without energy dissipations. One-dimensional application for a poroelastic half-space is considered. Due to the complex basic

Introduction to poroelasticity

Coupling between elastic deformation and uid ow occurs between the equation for uid ow (assumed to be Darcy''s law) and conservation of mass. We begin with the continuity

The poroelastic constants of multiple-porosity solids

The uniqueness principle of the poroelastic energy density function is herein used to construct and solve a system of equations between the described sets of

Phase-Field Modeling of Fracture in Poroelastic Solids for Thermal

The development of a continuum phase-field model of brittle fracture for poroelastic solids is presented. Three treatments for deriving the evolution equation of the phase-field are

A Brief Introduction to Poroelasticity and Simulation of

of geothermal energy or hydrocarbon production, fracturing is something that must actively be avoided in other contexts. In the emerging engineering discipline of geological CO 2 storage, an important parameter is that of maximum sustainable injection pressure the equations, general poroelastic concepts and quantities, solution strategies

MCA | Free Full-Text | New Lie Symmetries and Exact Solutions of a Mathematical Model Describing Solute Transport in Poroelastic

A one-dimensional model for fluid and solute transport in poroelastic materials (PEMs) is studied. Although the model was recently derived and some exact solutions, in particular steady-state solutions and their applications, were studied, special cases occurring when some parameters vanish were not analysed earlier. Since the

arXiv:1607.04274v1 [physics.geo-ph] 14 Jul 2016

The exposition is phenomenological. The point of departure are the basic equations of elasticity (i.e. constitutive law, equations of equilibrium in terms of stresses, and the

Poroelastic model in a vertically sealed gas storage: A

Request PDF | Poroelastic model in a vertically sealed gas storage: A case study from cyclic injection/production in a carbonate aquifer | Natural gas can be temporarily stored in a variety of

On poroelastic strain energy degradation in the

Comparison against previously proposed models. Next, we compare the three previously proposed models (W 0, W 1, and W 2) with our proposed model (W) using the same mesh resolution (a 0 / h = 44), length scale parameter (ℓ / h = 2) and material parameters.These four models introduce different modifications to the poroelastic strain

Poroelastic Storage

The Poroelastic Storage node adds Equation 7-2 and Equation 7-17 (excluding any mass sources). Use it to define the fluid and porous media properties, including a storage term to account for the Poroelasticity multiphysics coupling. This feature requires a specific license.

Poroelastic model in a vertically sealed gas storage: A

The injection and production of energy-rich green fluids into underground reservoirs are influenced by the cyclical nature of demand and supply of renewable energy [55,56].

Darcy''s law describes the flow field in the poroelastic medium. The fluid equation

where the poroelastic storage term S p is calculated from Equation 7-4. For small strain poroelasticity, the mass source or sink Q m reads where ∂ε vol /∂ t is the rate of change in volumetric strain (of the porous matrix), ρ f is the fluid density, and

BME 332: Constitutive Equations: Poroelasticity/Biphasic

BME 332: Introduction to Biosolid Mechanics. Section 7: Constitutive Equations: Biphasic and Poroelasticity. I. Overview. In the last section we introduced viscoelastic constitutive equations to model the time

Generalized Thermoelastic Interactions in a Poroelastic Material Without Energy Dissipations | International Journal of Thermophysics

The purpose of this investigation is providing a method to study the effect of porosity in a porothermoelastic medium by the finite element technique. The formulations are applied under Green-Naghdi model without energy dissipations. One-dimensional application for a poroelastic half-space is considered. Due to the complex basic

The stability of poro-elastic wave equations in saturated porous media

Poro-elastic wave equations are one of the fundamental problems in seismic wave exploration and applied mathematics. In the past few decades, elastic wave theory and numerical method of porous media have developed rapidly. However, the mathematical stability of such wave equations have not been fully studied, which may

Energy stable finite element approximations of gas flow in poroelastic

To develop an effective numerical method for simulating this problem, we propose an alternative equation by introducing the poroelasticity equation and the porosity variation equation to account for the influence of rock deformation on porosity.

A hydro-mechanical phase field model for hydraulically induced

Finally, the governing equation for the flow field in poroelastic media can be rewritten as (24) An iterative method for evaluating air leakage from unlined compressed air energy storage (CAES) caverns. Renewable Energy, 120 (2018), pp. 434-445, 10.1016/j.renene.2017.12.091.


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